How Social Media is taking us back

Pardon? Isn’t social media taking us forward. Isn’t the hand held device, the computer, twitter etc, etc making us more global, more sophisticated and taking us forward and thus ..away?

Yes, Yes, Yes, No! But we’re monkeys, we’re born to co-operate and the social media that is in our reach is taking us back to collaborating, to sharing, to giving. To speaking to strangers, to communicating to everybody and anybody who will listen.

Here is a great TED post. if you have not found out about TED then I urge you to check it out. See i’m sharing! here there are some of the worlds greatest speakers (not necessarily the one’s you’ve heard of) like Rachel Botsman an Oxford graduate who gives us this fantastic presentation about collaborative consumption. There are some great points made in this 15 minutes presentation, as she is an Oxford graduated Brit, currently living in Australia and has lived in the US and studied at Harvard. The content is new fresh and  different from a lot of UK stuff you will see . It also gives us a reall insight into the future of Social Media. And if you are only just getting started in it, then hopefully it will urge you to continue discovering more ways to share and communicate and extend the communities and networks you are involved with.

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