Volunteers needed

Are you or your company right for the ‘imeus’ leadership competence programme for emerging talent.

Imeus Coaching are looking for 25 emerging leaders

Could you be what we are looking for

We have been working hard to develop an online, interactive coaching programme that delivers great content and engages with the coachee from the start. We believe this programme will revolutionise the way organisations develop their leaders.

Our Big Fat Hairy Audacious goal is that in 10 years time there will be someone sitting on the board of every FTSE 100 company in the UK who began flexing their leadership muscle within our learning community.

Before we start marketing the programme we want to make sure it’s as good as we think it is, that the technology works and we hit the right tone.

Therefore we are looking for 25 participants to help us to trail the programme.

These are the criteria:

The company:
• large organisations (minimum of 500 employees worldwide)
• serious about investing in and growing talent that will be their future leaders
• interested/curious in the impact and flexibility of a new approach to training/coaching.

Our commitment:
• to provide our programme completely free of charge to the first 25 (usual cost £1,500 per person)
• to provide a quality resource that will make an impact on the leadership journey.

Your commitment:
• to put forward individuals who meet the criteria and provide feedback from both coachee and line manager perspective.

The individual:
• the individual chosen for the programme must be willing to trial the programme for 12 weeks
• will complete a diagnostic and 5 learning modules
• their line manager will be required to complete a diagnostic on the individual
• the individual must be emerging talent, committed to a process of personal and professional development, and prepared to put in the work required to achieve this. This is not a passive training experience but active development.

The time demand: Each module takes around 1.5 hours but also requires some work offline.

Technical requirement: A sound enabled computer with internet access.

Timescale: Commencing 1st July (feedback completed by 30th September)

Please apply if you are totally serious about fulfilling your potential as a future leader of your organisation.

Please e-mail me at emma@imeuscoaching.com if you are interested in taking part.

Viva La Revolution!!!

It is said that if you do what you have always done you will always get what you have always had.

This can be taken 2 ways. If you are a failure in life and you keep on doing what you have always done then you will get what you have always got, namely failure.

If you are a success in life and you carry on doing what you have always done the ‘saying’ would suggest that if you keep on doing it you will continue to be successful.

I do not believe as we approach the second decade of the new millennium that this is true.

Change is happening so quickly in every part of business. I used to work in the engineering industry and in the 80’s would visit companies in heavy manufacturing that no longer exist, but at the time were the pillars of our society and had been for almost 100 years before.

It started with the MP’s expenses. We are now seeing the big banks about to reduce bonuses across all companies and the newspaper reading public is falling and so are there profits as ad revenues filter to more immediate forms of communication.

These industries had seen success doing things a certain way for generations and as a means of survival are going to have to change. They have a huge challenge on their hands but I have no doubt the best will come out stronger and be able to continue to serve us for years to come.

We live in uncomfortable times and whilst we change there will be painful transitions which will impact on us culturally as well as personally.

In the last 6 months I have many conversations with clients who are going through times of change and their leadership skills are being tested to the max.

I have a tool about to go live on my website www.erbcoachingsolutions.co.uk, a leadership wheel to gain insight into your leadership ‘act’. It will be free to download and comes with instructions. If you would like to get a copy before everyone else Please e mail or tweet me.