Is Twitter Intuitive or am I bonkers?

This blog post has popped into my head a number of times recently. When it does come in I quickly tell it go away because ‘it’s daft’ . But now I’m not too sure. So I ask this question in the hope that you will share your thoughts and hopefully not call me bonkers to my face 😉

I have a growing belief that twitter is intuitive. What I mean is, if I am looking for an answer to something or a resource, there it is, in my timeline. As if like magic.

If you are a reader of ‘the secret’ or the secret’s grandaddy and my absolute favourite book in all the world, Napoleon Hill’s Think and grow rich you will suggest that this is so because my intention has gone out before me and lo and behold it grabs me what I have asked for. Cool!

In my book Twitter just got a whole lot more effective. How wonderful that this ‘secret’ that the richest and most powerful people in the world knew the power of and had to work at, now has a brand new channel. An ever growing, fast moving and infinite channel of mastermind voices of 140 characters.

I used to worry about missing important stuff if I clogged my timeline up with people who weren’t on my wavelength, I was concerned that my diversity was holding me back from some really good stuff. But now with my new found faith in the intuitive twitter I don’t worry so much. I put my intention out there and turn my timeline on and wait for the twitterverse to come to my aid.

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