Oh No! it’s Blue Monday

The Sun will come out tomorrow!!

The formula is [W+(D-d)] x T divided by MxNA, according to Mr Arnall, who specialises in confidence and happiness.

In English, that’s weather plus debt minus the next payday, multiplied by the time lapsed since Christmas to the power of the time since the last attempt to achieve something or give something up failed…divided by motivation times the need to take action.

It’s also the day that many New Years Resolutions are given up to next years resolution list. (I hate New Years Resolutions)

That’s Blue Monday!, The day that ‘one’ is most likely to feel realy really down in the dumps.

So. If you are feeling like this, what to do? How can I help?

(tip: Listen to this whilst you read this, it will help!!)


Life coaching looks at what you’ve got and makes the most of it. A bit like a chef coming into your kitchen and producing a fabulous feast from the contents of your fridge and cupboards.

  Motivation is goal directional behaviour. You are motivated when you are doing things towards your goals and you become de-motivated when you do things away from your goals. So you can start by having some goals today, that will really help.

Not more goals!!

Goals are import, but  you need some which mean something. It’s no good saying I want to lose a stone. Why, and it’s not just ‘to be thinner’ by how much, and by when.  it’s not just to be healthier, why? to play football with my kids. A goal first of all needs to be specific. Then measured, then achievable, then realistic and lastly within a time frame.

SMART goals are what business’s use to reach their goals. But this tried and tested way of making goals and sticking to them is not just for the boardroom it’s also for you and me.

Don’t do it on your own.

Why not recruit a goal buddy. Tell them what you want when you want it and how you are going to get it. Give them permission to help you achieve it by giving them tips of how they can help you. EG if you should be down the gym on a Tuesday evening getting in shape for the bikini weather  and they know you are sitting in front of the TV with a pick n mix give them permission to give you a good telling off and drag you down the gym.

Remember Mary Poppins. In every job that must be done there is an element of fun! Well find the fun in the boring chores, get them over and done with first and then get on with the not so dull one’s.

Negativity is contagious but so is positivity. If you are feeling a bit low hang out with someone who is happy, listen to some music that reminds you of happier times. It will pass you just need a strategy to help the mood lift.

Finally if you can’t shake the blue’s take yourself to bed early but ask yourself this question what good did it do me being miserable today? The answer will probably be none. Be easy on yourself and accept that sometimes you will have bad days and plan tomorrow with some fun, some smiles and some goals that are going to give you what you want when you want it.


You are in control of your own thoughts. To be honest it’s the only thing you have control over. Not the weather, not the traffic, not other people’s reactions to things. If you are down you are choosing to be down and choosing to allow all your stuff to get on top of you. At this stage there are two options:

 A) think yourself down even further or B) think your self up. Negativity v positivity. Language such as coulda, shoulda, woulda is refuelling the negative. If your wellness being is based on other people giving you happiness or the weather being good or the traffic lights always being green  you are going to spend a lot of time being disappointed. Adjust your thoughts to what you can do not what other’s should be doing. This way you gain power.

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