Help me! I’m living with a clutter junkie.

Help me! I’m living with a clutter junkie.


I recently had a client bring to a coaching session an issue about clutter. He and his wife were expecting a baby and he was worried that the impending  arrival would put a strain on more than just the bulging cupboards.


Keeping ‘ones house in order’ is really the first step in personal leadership. In this time of multi tasking it’s easy to become complacent about keeping things tidy and organised, preferring to ‘do it later’


Clutter for many is about dealing with the past. An Inability to leave the past behind will mean that it remains in your present as a constant reminder.


Untidiness is a refusal to commit to a course of action which means that everything around you is part completed or works in progress. Clutter is the physical evidence of procrastination.


Here is a summary of the session outcome. Maybe it rings true with you, would love to hear your comments.


Looking at the clutter issue first. Find a way to discuss with your wife what all the clutter around her represents. To many clutter is a way we put down roots and gain security in our lives, it’s hard to keep on moving if you have crates of nick naks!


Secondly find out what her ideal home should include. William Morris said “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” let her use her own words to build her vision of her perfect home. Are Organic, Warm, Secure or Welcoming words she would like to describe her ideal?


Thirdly go through each room and visualise it all going off into a removal van, this van is safe, no-one’s going to steal anything and is accessible, no-one is going to chuck her stuff away. Once everything is out of the room she can choose what is absolutely necessary, then she can bring back everything that is in her vision. Ask her what the room looks like and what else it needs? Is any of it still on the van? Does what is still on the van fit with the vision.


You can go through each room like that until you are left with a house which fits with the vision and a load of stuff which you have already emotionally let go of.


If you are brave enough you can do it physically and really sweep around the edges and re decorate. The baby’s room is an ideal place to make a start on this. Ensure however that you only do one room at a time so you see immediate benefits. This will in turn inspire you to complete the project and achieve your clutter free goals.


Clutter, and procrastination are friends.  To clutter junkies and procrastinators it is ridiculous to tidy new stuff when there is such a big backlog, better to do it in one huge cull and start all over again. (Think crash dieting so you can have a big blow out at Christmas!)Once the clutter is cleared you can work together to keep it that way buy investing in storage and discussing systems that work for you as a family. Untidiness may be a signal that she can’t complete the issues at hand with out ‘something’, who can help her with that something? Finally discuss with her the benefits of a clutter free tidy house and how much it means to you, it’s these courageous conversations which are a measure of a grown-up relationship.


If this article rang true with you, try this.


For the next 7 days do it now. If anything comes up, do it now. If something needs putting away, do it now. All those piles of stuff left in rooms on stairs on desks is a direct consequence of ‘not doing it now’


Try it for 7 days, let me know how you get on.


Why would you want to give training to people who are about to retire.

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Why would you want to give training to people who are about to retire.

Let’s face it the retired workforce is expensive and they aren’t going anywhere. So what’s the point in training them? A bit like taking a horse with an appointment at the abattoir to the beauty parlour!!

As an employer who is ‘up against it financially’ this may be a reaction to pre-retirement training. To a certain extent this is true. The pre retirement workforce is older, a lot of money has already been spent on them and to be honest ‘they probably aren’t going anywhere’ as their pension rights could be threatened.

7 reasons why pre – retired staff are an asset to be treasured.

1) The retiree has a lot to offer. What if they were now included in the training of the newer recruits. In days gone by an apprentice was taken on and taught by the older, more experienced mentor who passed on tips and ideas to make the transition much smoother.

2) The retiree is probably not going to be looking for another job. This may be the only sector of your workforce who you can reliably say this about (especially as the green shoots of recovery become vigorous) as a consistent force in your team how can you use them to see through short to mid term plans and systems which will help the company’s long term future.

3) Having a vast age range of people in your company shows a maturity, publicise the fact to your local community when you are recruiting, it shows you are a caring employer and this may be the difference between good and bad future recruits.

4) Allows you to understand better the largest demographic in the world today. Having a more diverse workforce allows you to understand, engage and communicate with different communities. Use this group for market research and to test products, to give you a new perspective on the largest growing demographic in the world today.

5) Shows the entire workforce that you care. By offering them training for a time after they leave your employment shows you as a caring employer, how will this message effect the entire workforce? Those wishing to leave may think twice when they see how loyal you are to even the oldest people on the team.

6) Pre-retirement training pays back the employer and the employee.

 How many employers give training to ‘bright young things’ invest time and effort and money in them only to find that they leave shortly after to a ‘better job’ now they have the skills! Spending money on those who are pre-retiring gives you much better assurances that the money paid out will remain in the organisation and deliver back a more dynamic pre-retired workforce.

7) Inspire your older workforce and reap the benefits now. No one wants an uninspired person on their books and the fact that they are being given training in later life which will help them with their own later life will make them far more motivated to make the last few years count.


Pre-Retirement seminars South West aims to provide the highest quality seminars for the pre retired professional. The seminars are aimed to give information and advice from Legal, Financial and lifestyle professionals who offer direction for the delegates making decisions and preparations for their retirement.

We suggest that the pre-retirement training is undertaken around 4 or 5 years prior to retirement. Many of our previous delegates have even suggested that it would have been beneficial to have the training 10 years earlier as this gives them time to plan most effectively for a long and happy retirement.

Here is what a selection of delegates had to say about the last programme run at the Met office In April 2010

  • “I wish I had attended 5 years ago! A must for all 50+ year olds wanting to plan a happy retirement” DK Devon
  • “A really thought provoking and worthwhile course-it’s given us much to think about” Mr and Mrs D Bucks.
  • Many thanks for leading the pre-retirement seminar yesterday. Personally, I got a lot from it and I’m sure my colleagues did too. Dr JRE Exeter


Next Open Course: September, at Sandy Park Conference centre, Exeter

Please contact us for more information. Spouse discounts.  Early bird booking discount available.